Born and raised in Washington, D.C., currently living in Philadelphia, Megan is focused on How we use storytelling and the sharing of life expriences to effect real change

Building Wealth While Black: How Atlanta Fueled a Family Fortune

A boy is born Black in hard-times Georgia in 1930. One of eight children, his father has a fourth-grade education, the family is poor and the boy has a speech impediment that will be with him his entire life. Aspiring to be like the entrepreneurs whose small “Negro” businesses dot Atlanta’s then-thriving Auburn Avenue, he opens a shoeshine stand outside his family’s home.

From that patch of ground, Herman J. Russell went on to become a major construction and real-estate developer, and one of America’s wealthiest and most successful Black business owners. His H.J. Russell and Co. built the Atlanta headquarters of the Coca-Cola Co. and of Georgia Pacific; Mercedes Benz Stadium, home of the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons; and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington.

Continue reading Bloomberg here, courtesy of Brett Pulley.

Four Numbers That Explain Racial Disparities in Homeownership

Guaranteed Income in Jackson Designed By Black Moms for Black Moms