Born and raised in Washington, D.C., currently living in Philadelphia, Megan is focused on How we use storytelling and the sharing of life expriences to effect real change

Easing the Way Home for Returning Senior Citizens

“In 2015, when Wendell El-Amin James stepped out of California’s Deuel Vocational Institution (DVI), after 27 years and 9 months in the state prison system, he felt ready, as he tells it, “to put boots on the ground.”

“I knew one day I was going home,” James says, “so I knew I was going to have to work and better myself, to be better than when I came in.”

That homecoming preparation was a long journey. At the start of his prison term, James was 35 years old and functionally illiterate. Over time, he taught himself to read and write. He corrected a speech impediment by learning to slow down when he talked. He took classes, and got certified as a drug and alcohol specialist. Under encouragement from his imam, James started a support group at Old Folsom Prison, which he then brought to DVI after his transfer. Gradually he cultivated a vision for his future, to help older formerly incarcerated people— especially those like himself who served long sentences — find their way back into society.”

Continue reading Next City here, courtesy of Kate McQueen.

Walking the Fine Line Between Art as a Community Anchor or Fueler of Gentrification

In France, Elder Care Comes with the Mail