Born and raised in Washington, D.C., currently living in Philadelphia, Megan is focused on How we use storytelling and the sharing of life expriences to effect real change

Should Harrisburg provide guaranteed income to some residents?

Harrisburg Mayor Eric Papenfuse, with the help of a mighty $48.8 million breeze blowing in from Washington, D.C., is calling for the establishment of a guaranteed income program in Harrisburg to help the city’s poorest residents and attack generational poverty.

Papenfuse says the plan, which is little more than a campaign pledge in the midst of a hotly contested primary at the moment, but one he expects to develop into a proposal for City Council’s consideration later this spring, would send monthly payments for up to two years to residents living below yet-to-be-determined income-eligibility thresholds.

Continue reading here at Penn Live, courtesy of Charles Thompson.

The Death and Life of the Central Business District

On Nextdoor, unhoused neighbors are shut out of conversations about homelessness